Katie Supports Non-Profit K9 Hurricane's Heroes
K9 Hurricane is one of the most famous Secret Service dogs of all time. In 2014 he stopped an intruder from entering the White House and is incredibly decorated for his valor. He has a USSS Award for Merit, PDSA Order of Merit, and DHS Award for Valor.
And Hurricane’s work ethic continues in retirement.
K9 Hurricane’s Heroes is a rapidly growing federally recognized, non-profit organization, providing “retired law enforcement and military dogs” with subsidized veterinary care so they can live a long and healthy life. Often these incredible dogs are the unsung heroes behind the operations put in place to keep us safe and the burden financially falls on their handlers post retirement.
Recently, Hurricane's Heroes just announced Hurricane's Heroes partnership with Paws of Honor donating a $40,000 check and sponsoring 25 retired working K9 Heroes. These funds assist handlers and thank the K9 heroes for their service by helping with the financial burden of medical care. Hurricane himself was awarded full medical coverage for life by AMC (Animal Medical Center of New York) and it was this kind act of generosity that sparked the idea for Hurricane’s Heroes. Marshall wanted to offer this to other K9s.
Also in their recent partnership announcement with Paws of Honor, Marshall proposed to his awesome longtime girlfriend Lisa who co-founded Hurricane’s Heroes.
Here is an event recap put together by Katie's team. You can learn more or donate at K9HurricanesHeroes.org.