Medjugorje: A helpful logistics guide for Catholic Pilgrims

“You can say to the whole world there is a light in Medjugorje and we need these spots in a world that is going down in darkness.” – Archbishop Henryk Hosner 


It is estimated that over two million people arrive in Medjugorje each year. Medjugorje is a place where many people experience miraculous healings, find clarity or just embark on an overall great spiritual journey. To me, it speaks to God choosing the unassuming. He doesn’t want the perfect, the opulent. Medjugorje is a humble city with roots of war, famine, and poverty, yet it is also where Our Lady appeared to six visionaries in 1981 and continues to do so. 


For decades I have been fascinated with Medjugorje and the apparitions and finally made the trek not knowing what to expect. I felt I could pass along some helpful tips to fellow travelers looking to make the journey. And I’ll make it known from the start of this article - if you’re not sure – I encourage you to 100% go. Every pilgrim will tell you there is something very special there.



A YouTube Channel I recommend that focuses on Marian Apparitions:


A book I recommend, an autobiography featuring visionary Mirijana entitled, “My Heart Will Triumph”:


The pilgrimage tour site I recommend is here (son of visionary and friend!)


A helpful logistics guide for Catholic Pilgrimage in Medjugorje 


First and foremost, if you are going for the full Medjugorje experience it’s imperative to stay in the center of town close to St James Church, which is kind of the north start to Mass, Adoration, and the pilgrimage treks. 


As an introvert, I like to do things by myself. I’ve traveled all over the world solo and I love it! However, this is a place for community. Get outside your comfort zone and book a tour or link up with new friends. Say yes to anything that presents itself (within reason of course). This is the best way to learn about the history, community and talk about Jesus! 


Pilgrimage can be a life-changing, transformational experience. A time of letting go of the old to let the new come in. Pilgrims don’t merely visit a place as tourists, they come away inspired and changed by it in some way. Going on pilgrimage may give us a new sense of awareness and wonder. Or result in a greater sense of our life’s purpose. Pilgrimage helps to illuminate the journey of life by helping us to focus on ‘what really matters’ and to rediscover the joy of giving and generosity. And to have a greater appreciation for life’s gifts.

- Josep Elez, 81 Tours



Here is the website:


Here is the weekly prayer program:


There is a dress code and no long sleeves and no shorts / tank tops.

Popular attire is nice summer dresses or Sunday casual best.

The daily schedule is posted regularly on the website here and be sure to check it! For example English Mass on Sunday was in the yellow chapel not the main church. Confessions and Adoration are listed. 



Sidebar- spend a front or back end day in Dubrovnik or Split Croatia - it’s phenomenal in itself. Old town Dubrovnik with the city walls is worth seeing. Getting to Bosnia is easy and you’ll have about three border checks. We had no waits, but I’ve heard there can be if things are busy. 

Important note - most everyone speaks English in Croatia and Bosnia.



If you’re going for the true Medjugorje experience you’ll find yourself at Church a lot for Mass, Adoration, Confession they also have special events, language-specific Masses and blessing of objects, water, etc. It is wise to be centrally located near St James. I personally stayed at Hotel Regina Hotel and The Medjugorje Hotel and Spa. I would recommend Hotel Regina. It’s center to the everything and about a mile to Apparition Hill and half a mile to the start of Cross Mountain (more on these below).



I read a lot of sites that said to pack minimal clothes and re-wear - I would not suggest this. Thin trek clothing takes up little space and you should have at least one fresh outfit a day if not two for nighttime dinner. It’s hot if you’re going during summer and you will be sweaty and gross!! My suggestion is if you don’t have trek clothes look at a sporting goods store for long-sleeves with UPF protection.  I wore the same gear in Africa and long sleeve was always cool thanks to the performance fabric. Go with light colors of course. My favorite Hiking pants have a 3/4 removable zip leg. Also if you stay in a hotel close to the city center you can change into trek gear after mass. Casual clothing is not allowed at church so bring a nice outfit for each day.   


  • Trek shoes that have tread – note some people do pilgrimages barefoot – I recommend the Solomon line

  • Pair of running shoes to walk around in

  • Water (you can get bottled water anywhere or free water at the Church fountains - so bring a water bottle)

  • Sunglasses 

  • Hat (I personally felt inappropriate wearing a hat on pilgrimage treks but it’s individual)

  • Small trek backpack – grab a very small trek backpack that is very comfortable to wear. You don’t want or need to be carrying a lot of gear. 

  • Lots of sunscreen


This is the must in Medjugorje. It is where the Virgin Mary has been appearing since 1981.


How hard is the climb? I preface that I’m in very good shape so the hill took me less than 15 minutes to ascend, but you’ll want to spend some time at the top. The terrain is very rocky and inconvenient to climb. With hiking shoes, you’ll have no problem but anyone out of shape should take note. There are two ways up and down. If you do a full loop (entering and exiting on different sides) you’ll catch the two blue crosses at the bottom which are significant.


The hill is lit and you can climb it at night. I came down as the sun was setting and had no issues, but if you are not physically fit be extra careful. 

The hill and journey to the hill are lined with souvenir shops and restaurants – you will always have access to what you need.



Cross Mountain holds significance, as the 8.5m high cross erected in 1933 for the 1900th anniversary of the Crucifixion and Christ’s death and its construction has been acknowledged in a Marian Apparition. There is also a relic of the True Cross embedded within the Cross. The Stations of the Cross line the ascent. 

You can read more about the Mountain here:


Everything is central to St James –hence stressing to stay close to it. Cross Mountain is an enjoyable walk through Bosnian neighborhoods. Cross Mountain took a little longer about 37 minutes to the top and I descended just after sunset. It is steep and the terrain is also rough. When I was climbing down there was still a ton of people making the trek up and I honestly was not sure how confident they would be getting down at night especially as some had disabilities. I slipped twice but  was probably going too fast. You just simply have to be careful. This trek is more intense than Apparition Hill. 


Two other key areas:


Cross of Risen Christ – another place of mystery and miracle. That is behind St James Church. Tear-like liquid has been seen pouring from the legs of the statue. Read more here. It is especially beautiful to see this at night.


Tombs – there are very beautiful raised tombs behind St James Church. These are especially incredible to view at night amidst the LED candles illuminating the darkness.



I can’t write this post without noting that there is something extra special about confessions in Medjugorje. Priests sit outside for 4-5 hours a day in the heat with kindness and full hearts. There are country signs listed and the priests are outside meeting with you face to face. My new dear friend Fr. Cannon who hears confessions shared that many miracles have happened there. There is something very powerful about the sacrament; with deep intentionality, and an unexpected unraveling of knots.



Bosnia-Herzegovina has a deep history. Here is a good article to understand the culture and past.



I recommend 81 tours run by Josip Elez. Josip is extremely knowledgeable, having spent his life in Medjugorje with his mom who is one of the six visionaries. I am blessed to now call him a friend after meeting him in Medjugorje. His integrity for tours and the mission is outstanding. He says it is his mission to guide pilgrims in the Medjugorje experience. He knows everyone and everything in Medjugorje! 


While traveling abroad car service is always key. You can arrange transfers to and from the airport through Josip even if not booking his tours. You will get a professional driver and while it might cost a little bit more it’s a guarantee of good quality service and a professional driver. 



I was most surprised by all the souvenirs and gift shops. At first, I honestly didn’t know how to feel about them, but I spoke to Fr Cannon and Josip and they changed my perspective—explaining that it really gives the community income and support. After they gave me this nod y’all know I beelined and went nuts shopping 🤪 The shops line the center of town by St James Church and also on your way to any trek. 



There are lots of good food places. My favorite for a solid meal with tons of options is Club Gardens: homemade gnocchi, chocolate soufflé, steaks, fish, the menu is long. Grace Cafe and Cafe Regina are also good and for a quick to go there are many St Nicholas pastries that have amazing spinach and pizza rolls and other baked goods. Delicious dough! 


It’s low-tech environment. You’ll just need to ensure you pack a converter and maybe a smartphone extra battery charge that you can stick in your bag if you’re gone for the day. It’s refreshing that most everyone is off their tech and in the moment.

Also ladies---don’t even attempt to bring a blow dryer or curling iron the amps are not compatible. Important tech note – Rosary and Adoration and select Masses in Croatian can be translated in real-time using the St. James audio feature. 


Medjugorje takes several currencies: Mark (Bosnian) and Euros.

It seems they like Euros more – it was the first time I’ve been to a country where they rejected their own currency at a shop. 

Make sure you have enough converted cash on hand before you get there — I did use money exchange (next to Grace hotel) but they closed early and I heard when it’s busy they run out of currencies

The dollar goes a very long way in Medjugorje - May I suggest (as always in life!) to be generous! Waiters and ice cream vendors will appreciate a gracious tip :) 


I hope this was helpful! While the intent of this article was directed at logistics I’d be remiss to not stress the special holiness of Medjugorje. This is a place to reflect, a place where you will feel very happy. I had booked my trip unknowingly during International World Youth Day. At the Opening Ceremonies, the young people proudly presented their country of origin flag and it was an amazing, enthusiastic gathering of good hearts from all over the world. Surrounded by so many devoted hearts you feel like you were at an event in Heaven.


Many times I travel and I close the chapter. I hope to return to Medjugorge and especially reconnect with Josep and Fr Cannon again! Next time I hope to return with others – it’s an experience of the heart you want to share!


If you have any questions or would like to connect here are my social links and also a link to my Spotify page where you can find my Christian music! St. Michael the Archangel Defend us in Battle!


Nick Ostroff