Presentation Perfection: Know when it’s GOOD ENOUGH!

Perfection is an unrealistic goal. Let me be honest out the gate and share that the tips I’m about to give you are still a work in progress for me, but greatly improved over the years.  

Get it to an A Level and call it

Whether you are a seasoned speaker or new to the stage, if you're passionate about a speech or presentation the truth is it will never really be done, so I suggest you have to commit to a version that you are 93% satisfied with (that’s by schooling standards an “A”). You need to reserve time, and really hone in on practicing and owning it. [See previous article reps, reps, reps!]  

Get unstuck on a section

And if you find yourself focused and unsure of a section – don’t perseverate on it. That is wasting time. Run any areas you are stuck on past a trusted colleague or co-worker for feedback. I can’t tell you how many times I overthink a small section for far too long only to ask a trusted colleague who instantly delivers a great suggestion or solution.  

Leave room and respect for the crew

This note is especially true if the presentation is for a bigger stage. It is only fair to give the team time to prepare your presentation in the system and to make sure it is running smoothly. If crews behind the scenes don’t have the room and time to get a solid run through --- it can lead to more room for error. 

Great enough

I’ll share something someone once told me, “You're good is someone else’s great” – if you're reading this article it already shows you care about your presentation  – you know when you’re at the point of starting to over nitpick---- and the clock is ticking. Confidently call it when it is good enough --- and start owning it! 

Nick Ostroff