Ultimate Keynote Speaking Prep: Reps, Reps, Reps!

There’s a reason for the statement “practice makes perfect”. If you want to get comfortable with something -- do it over and over again. This is especially my advice when it comes to doing anything on a public platform like giving a presentation, speech or any public appearance. My keynote speeches and also my musical performances are reflective of this advice. 

Some examples from my world:

We were performing one of my new songs that had just hit country radio on a big national TV show. It was a major holiday and one of the biggest viewing days of the year. My music mentor, Dan Spencer, put down the hammer, as he always wisely does, and made me practice this song beyond what I could have ever imagined. 

It felt like my band and I were in non-stop rehearsals for that one song since we got the go ahead to perform it live… in the words of my drummer, "I've never practiced one song so much in my life". I’d be remiss to say that we also had fun getting together for this -- I would get tons of food and always pay my team for their time. It was easy for them but it was critical for me. They have way more stage experience than I do and they graciously never complained and it ironed out some unexpected kinks. When it came to game day, yes, I was nervous, but thanks to Dan’s advice and my willing band we were so ready. 

My keynote world is no different. Run through, rehearse, practice – whatever you want to call it, do anything but wing it! Every one of my keynote speeches is custom tailored for each audience. I go over them so many times and also practice them to my most trusted colleagues, getting their honest feedback. Sometimes I want to question their critical cuts of sections or changes but then I remember I asked them for their help and they are trying to help me look my best. 

It’s basic psychology - the more you do something, the more comfortable you will get. Is it a bit neurotic? You’ll say no its not --- when you take the stage prepared and confident on game day ☺

Nick Ostroff