I’m gonna go ahead and date myself, but I always loved to record the answering machine message in my family.
Read MoreNo one is instantly good at anything -- and that includes public speaking. Just like anything it takes practice, it takes reps!
Read MoreSurround yourself with people that are going to be honest with you.
Read MorePerfection is an unrealistic goal. Let me be honest out the gate and share that the tips I’m about to give you are still a work in progress for me, but greatly improved over the years.
Read MoreThere’s a reason for the statement “practice makes perfect”. If you want to get comfortable with something -- do it over and over again.
Read MoreCapturing an audience’s attention in this day in age can be challenging. You don’t need me to tell you this, but for a sign of the times, just have a look at the way we consume content.
Read MoreWhen the big lights illuminate the main stage and thousands of excited audience members start to pour in -- start your event with the confidence knowing that you have aprofessional overseeing the production!
Read MoreWhether you are leading a team presentation or keynoting in front of thousands streaming live – how to add confidence and style to presentation.
Read MoreOne question I consistently get asked in my stage and TV work – do you still get nervous?
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